- Scholz W.G, ”Membrane bioreactor treatment with nitrogen removal and sludge drying”, International Leather Maker, p 18-20, Dec./Jan 2014.
- Scholz W.G, ”Membrane bioreactor treatment of tannery effluents with nitrogen removal and low cost sludge drying”, Proceedings for the XXXII Congress of the IULTCS, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 79, 29-31st May, 2013
- Scholz W.G, Huang T. and Hill K. “Lower carbon footprint using Best Available Technologies” Leather International, p. 46-48, Nov./Dec. 2012
- W. Scholz “Ecotechnologies for cost effective tannery effluent treatment and waste management” Proceedings for the XVIII Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero, Montevideo, Uruquay, 9th-11th Oct. 2012
Nanofiltration pilot plant to test final polishing of tannery effluents |
- "Best available technology for tannery effluent treatment" Scholz W.G, Mena M., Bermudez A., Lopera J. Robinson R. Leather International, p. 12-14, July, 2009
- "Wastewater treatment at Simona Tanning in China- Submerged membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis technology for tannery effluent treatment and water recycling" Scholz W.G, Tylor N., Hill K., Leather International, p. 14-18, March, 2009
- "Membrane Technologies for Recovery of water from tannery effluents" Scholz W.G., Proceedings for the 42nd LERIG conference, Chennai India, p. 37-45, 28-30th January, 2008
- "Submerged membrane bioreactor technology for mixed tannery effluent treatment" Scholz W.G., Baumgarten S., Poncet T. and Touloumet M. L., World Leather, p. 40-41, May, 2007
- "Tannery effluent treatment using Reedbed and Nanofiltration technology" Scholz W.G, Lapoulle A., Cruickshank D., Gigante J.M., Leather International, Vol 209, p 26-28, April, 2007
- "Membrane based effluent treatment for the beamhouse", Scholz W. G., Baumgarten S. and Serrarols D., Leather International, p 28-36, December 2006
- "Effluent control: India", Scholz W.G., Environmental Opportunities Overseas, 15, p.12, Autumn, 2006
- "A salt-free process water recycling strategy for tanneries: Hybrid effluent treatment using Reedbeds and membrane filtration", Scholz W.G. and Daniels R., World Leather, 19 / 6, p 49-52, October, 2006
- "Membrane based process water recycling and side stream membrane bioreactor treatment for effluents from the beamhouse process", Scholz W. G., Baumgarten S. and Serrarols D., II Eurocongress IULTC, Istanbul, May 2006
- "Desalination of mixed tannery effluent with Membrane Bioreactor and Reverse Osmosis Treatment", Scholz W. G., Rougé P., Bodalo A. and Leitz U., Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 39 / 21, p. 8505 - 8511, 2005
- "Drinking water quality from tannery discharge." Worlds first MBR and RO treatment plant offers an environmental solution for 25 tanneries demonstrating the complete removal of salts and pollutants from tannery waste water" Scholz W, Leather p.24-26, March, 2004
- "Techno-economic evaluation of membrane filtration for the recovery and re-use of tanning chemicals" Scholz, W. G. and Lucas, M., Water Research, Vol. 37, Is.8, p 1859-1867, 2003
- "Treatment of oil contaminated wastewater in a membrane bioreactor", Scholz, W. G. and Fuchs, W., Water Research. Vol. 34, No 14, 3621-3629, 2000
- "Application of membrane technology in the tanning industry" Scholz, W. G. and Bowden, W., Leather International, 201, 4694, 17-18, 1999