Polissage d'effluents mixtes de tanneries par UF, NF et OI |
- “Environmental technologies for the tanning industry”, National Engineering Laboratory for Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture, University of Sichuan, Chengdu, China, March 2013
- “Membrane bioreactor treatment of tannery effluents with nitrogen removal and low cost sludge drying”, XXXII Congress of the IULTCS, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2013
- “Environmental technologies for the tanning industry”, National Engineering Laboratory for Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture, University of Sichuan, Chengdu, China, March 2013
- “Impacto medio ambiental y Tecnologías limpias“
“Mejores tecnologías disponibles para Tratamiento Primario“
“Tecnologías de filtración por membrana e aplicaciones“
“Tratamiento biológico con Bioreactores de membrana con eliminación de nitrógeno”
“Tratamiento alternativo usando Lecho Juncos en combinación con Nanofiltración”, XVII Encuentro Nacional – Actualización Técnica en Productividad y Normatividad Ambiental, Islas San Andrés, Colombia, Nov. 2012
- “Lower carbon footprint using Best Available Technologies” 9th Asian International Conference on Leather Science and technology, Taipei, Taiwan Nov. 2012
- “Eco-tecnologías para tratamiento de efluentes y manejo de lodos” XVIII FLAQTIC, Montevideo, Uruguay, Oct. 2012
- 18th Leather Panel meeting “Carbon footprint boundaries of the leather industry”, UNIDO Leather Panel, Shanghai, China, September 2012
- "Submerged membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis technology for tannery effluent treatment and water recycling" XXX IULTC conference, Beijing, China, Oct. 2009
- "Membrane Technologies for Recovery of water from tannery effluents", 42nd LERIG conference, Chennai India, p. 37-45, 28-30th January, 2008
- "Alternative Tannery effluent treatment using Nanofiltration technology", Presentation for the Society of Leather technologists and Chemists, SLTC annual Conference, Chester, UK, Sept, 2007
- "Advanced industrial wastewater treatment using membrane and membrane bioreactor technology" EISU Indian Seminar Mission to Mumbay and Calcutta, India, Jan. 30 - Feb. 3rd, 2006
- "Tecnología de Bioreactores de Membrana con Osmosis Inversa para efluentes mixtos de la Industria de Curtidos", Proceedings for the XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de los quimicos y tecnicos de la industria del cuero, Buenos Aires, Oct 3-6th, 2004
- "Techno-economical evaluation of mixed tannery effluent treatment with membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis", CIWEM conference, Wakefield, UK, 13-15th Sept., 2004
- "Membrane Bioreactor with Reverse Osmosis technology for final effluent polishing and water recycling", "Process integrated membrane technology for the leather industry", "Gasification, Harnessing the energy within leather waste", UNIC - Italian Tannery Association, Milano, Italy, May 2004
- "Process integrated membrane technology for process recycling and membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis treatment for mixed tannery effluents", BLC Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, June 2004
- "Aplicaciones Prácticas de Membranas en la Industria de Curtidos", for The Society of Chemists, Leon, Guanajuato, March 2004
- "Seminario de Tecnologías límpias, Tratamiento de Aguas y de Desechos Solidos para la industria de curtidos", Leon, Guanajuato, March, 2004
- "MBR technology for the leather industry", PATENTEX European Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18th-19th Sept, 2003
- "Novel Membrane Bioreactor Technology and Reverse Osmosis for Tannery Effluent Treatment", Atkin Memorial Lecture for the Society of Leather technologists and Chemists, SLTC annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 13th Sept, 2003
Membrane bioreactor pilot plant for tannery effluent treatment installed in Italian tanneries |
- Nuevas tecnologías para la minimización del impacto medioambiental en curtidos "Aplicaciones prácticas de membranas en la industria de curtidos" AIICA, Igualada, España, 30th of October, 2002
- Technical Workshop on good practices for the Ethiopian hides and skin industry "Practical Applications for the use of Membranes in Tanneries", Dec. 2001
- Membrane application for recycling and recovering in the leather industry XXVI IULTC Congress, 7-10th of March 2001, Cape Town, South Africa
- Membranes, Membrane Bioreactors and Membrane aerated Bioreactors, New alternatives for treating tannery effluents , Scholz, W., BLC seminar for ANACU, Leon, Guanajuato, Jan. 2000
- The use of membranes in the leather sector, TANNET workshop VIC/Spain, October, 1999
- ÖGBT Conference 97, Vienna: Poster presentation: "Coca Cola waste water treatment: Comparison between a conventional system and a membrane bioreactor"
- IWSA 21° Congreso Internacional de la distribución del agua, Madrid, 97: Poster presentation: " Industrial waste water treatment by membrane-bioreactors"