- Selection of equipment, equipment tender review and contract tender submission
- Operational manuals and monitoring program
- Commissioning and remedial work
- Full scale start up
- Training of plant operators
- Service: Service contract with two follow-up visits per year
Demonstration References
- Membrane plant testing at a fellmonger, Abergele, Wales, UK, 2000: "Continuous membrane treatment of raceway soak liquors and evaluation of the potential re-use in the raceway soaking process"
- Membrane Bioreactor testing at a wet-blue tannery, Waterford, Ireland, 2000: "Membrane bioreactor trials to treat effluent from the rendering plant"
- Membrane Bioreactor testing at a wet-blue tannery, Leon, Mexico, 1999-2000: "Membrane bioreactor trial and biological treatment design"
- Membrane Bioreactor testing at Langholm, Scotland, UK, 1999-2000"Site pilot investigation of membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology for the treatment of organic pollutants from a fellmongery effluent"
- Membrane plant testing at a tannery in Taiwan, 2001: "Membrane Pilot Trials & Plant Optimisation (Taiwan & China)"
- Membrane Bioreactor testing in Lorca, Spain, 2002-2003: "Membrane bioreactor pilot plant for enhanced biological treatment of mixed tannery effluents"
- Reverse Osmosis testing in Lorca, Spain, 2003 "Desalination of MBR permeate by RO treatment"
- Membrane Bioreactor testing at a veg tannery in Tärnsjö, Sweden, 2004: "Membrane pilot trials to assess the enhanced biological treatment of mixed tannery effluents"
- Membrane Bioreactor and Reverse Osmosis testing for advanced biological effluent treatment and process water recycling at a tannery processing from re-tanning to finishing in Robeccheto, Italy, 2006:" Membrane Bioreactor and reverse osmosis pilot plant evaluation for advanced effluent treatment and recycling for re-tanning and dying operations"
- Design, construction, installation and start-up of a Membrane Bioreactor pilot plant for textile effluent treatment for the Textile Institute of the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2006
- Engineering design of jetox venturi aerated Balancing, Sulphide Oxidation and Dissolved Air Floatation for a Namibian tannery, 2006.
- Nanofiltration polishing for mixed tannery effluent treatment for TCIM in Vivoin, France, 2006: "Testing and installation of an industrial scale Nanofiltration plant for final polishing and water recycling"
- Submerged Membrane Bioreactor pilot trial for mixed effluent treatment and Reverse Osmosis testing for process water recycling. Piloting in Annonay, France in cooperation with CTC, 2006
- Engineering design, commissioning and start-up of a fully automated Primary treatment with sulphide oxidation, aerated balancing and Dissolved Air Floatation for Articulos de Piel los Favoritos, Dominican Republic, 2007
- Engineering design, commissioning and start-up of a submerged Membrane Bioreactor and Reverse Osmosis plant for Simona Tanning, Huizhou, China, 2007-2008
- Support in the selection of a low cost sludge drier for Argentinean tanneries, 2008
- Engineering design, commissioning and start-up of a self entrained jetox aerated Balancing for Borge Garveri, Norway, 2010
- Engineering design and installation of Dissolved Air Floatation for Simona Tanning in China 2010.
- Engineering design of a modern tannery effluent treatment plant for a Danish wet blue tannery, 2010.
- Engineering design of a modern tannery effluent treatment and water recycling plant for a Chinese wet blue tannery, 2010.
- Design of a denitrification system and selection of top entry mixers for Simona Tanning, China 2011
- Engineering design, commissioning and start-up of self entrained jetox aerated Balancing for Simona Tanning, China 2011
- Engineering of low energy biological aeration with vertical diffusers for Simona Tanning, China 2011
- Engineering, commissioning and start-up of low energy submerged membrane filtration for membrane bioreactor treatment for Simona Tanning, China 2012
- Process design, engineering, selection of equipment and support during installation, commissioning and start-up of a Gelatine plant for a Colombian tannery, 2013
- Process design, engineering of a modern tannery effluent treatment and water recycling plant for an Australian wet-blue tannery, 2014
- Process design and specification for effluent screening treatment plant for a UK tannery, 2014